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Looks like we have an  open position.
For parties of less than 6 passengers that are looking to split costs with others
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3 posts
Aug 25, 2021
9:35 AM
We're a small group (currently 3 members, our 4th just suffered a work place injury) that is looking for an experienced 4th angler for a four day trip on the Lauren Jean.

Planned sailing is Thursday October 7th, with a return Sunday October 10.

We'd want to have a "meet & greet" before the trip, so someone local to southern Florida is preferred.

Our focus is snapper & grouper (using bait & jigging). We generally purchase fresh Goggle Eyes and Speedos for bait, in addition to what is provided by the boat. We do bring our own tackle & rigging supplies.

Were all very experienced anglers; all with multiple trips with Cpt Yuri's "Two Fish Charters" operations (on both boats and with all of the captains).

Contact me at tarpon.master@gmail.com for more details
4 posts
Sep 07, 2021
6:10 AM
Looks like we have filled the trip

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